Deploying the Agent from an ISO


Our ISO installation method takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Minimum requirements

  • CPU/Cores: 1 core, 2 core recommended
  • Memory: 8 GB recommended
  • Hard Disk Space: 80 GB (thin or thick)
  • Network adapter mode for VMs: Bridged mode (NAT will be slow and in some cases crash)

Device options

  • Desktop\Laptop\Mini-PC
  • Virtual Machine (VMware, Hyper-V, etc)
  • Cloud Compute Instance

Getting started

  1. Navigate to Ubuntu’s server download page.
  2. Download the ISO file for Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.
  3. Next, install the ISO onto a physical or virtual machine.

EXAMPLE  For example, installing directly onto a physical machine or using hyper-v, vmware, or virtualbox.

In this particular example, we’re going to use the ubuntu server 22.04 iso file downloaded from the preceding link.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Download the Ubuntu 22.04 server ISO (or the latest version).
  2. Boot to the ISO, go through the installation steps, and configure the pre-installation settings.

    IMPORTANT  Everything is default, except it’s important to clear the option to Set up this disk as an LVM group.

  3. On the screen that asks you to select which software to install, just press Enter as the vPenTest Agent will install the prerequisites for you.
  4. Configure the root account, log in, and run the following command:
  5. curl -L | bash

Installing Ubuntu

  1. Boot the ISO to your device of choice and press Enter to install Ubuntu Server.
  2. Select your language.
  3. If you get prompted to update the installer this optional, but will add an extra 2-3 minutes to your install.
  4. Select your keyboard layout.
  5. Type of install: Leave the default, Ubuntu Server.
  6. Network connections: DHCP or you can set static IP.
  7. Configure proxy: Do not use proxy.
  8. Configure Ubuntu archive mirror: Leave default.
  9. Guided storage configuration: Clear the Set up this disk as an LVM group option.
  10. Storage configuration: Review and verify you have close to 80 GB of disk space to be used.

  11. Click Continue to format the disk.

  12. Set up your account profile.

    NOTE  This is strictly for you, and we will not have records of your username/password.

  13. SSH Setup: Skip this step and do not install openssh.

  14. Featured Server Snaps: Skip and do not install any additional snaps or features.

  15. This will take a few minutes, and then the Reboot Now option will be available once the installation completes.
  16. Reboot once the installation completes. If you get the error message Failed unmounting /cdrom, press Enter to progress the reboot.
  17. Once Ubuntu boots, you will see the login screen followed with some cloud-init data. Press Enter to get to the login prompt.

  18. Log in using the username and password created in step 12. Type the following commands:
    1.  Switch to root: sudo su
    2. Authenticate with your password.
    3. Switch to root directory: cd
    4. Set a password for root: passwd
    5. Install vPenTest Agent: curl -L | bash

    The agent installation will take ~5-10 minutes depending on internet bandwidth. Once the installation completes, do the following:

    1. Load vPenTest menu: source ~/.bashrc
    2. Register the agent by selecting the second option, Register agent, and input the UUID after setting up an Agent on the vPenTest Platform.