How long will it take to get my report?

ANSWER  Within 48 hours.

Depending on the vulnerabilities discovered within the network environment we've tested, the report could be delivered anywhere from instantly to a few hours (common), or even a few days (rare).

QUESTION  When you should expect your report

ANSWER  If you are running vPenTest on a network that has little to no vulnerabilities, you can expect to receive your report within a few hours. On the other hand, if your network has a significant number of vulnerabilities, you can expect your report to be delivered within a few hours or a few days.

The reason the report may be delayed sometimes is to provide us the opportunity to improve the product. For example, there are many times that new vulnerabilities come out and we may not have the product in a lab environment to test and enumerate it. Therefore, if we run across it on a client's network, we may implement this process into vPenTest and update the report to provide the customer more value.