Getting started guide

Whether you're going through a Test Trial or purchased a vPenTest subscription, the steps below will help you get started with our platform. Happy PenTesting!


Welcome to the vPenTest User Guide. Before we get started, let's cover some terms that will be used in and throughout vPenTest:

  • Company: A company is basically your client. If you're performing an assessment for Walgreens, then this is your "Company" in the vPenTest portal.
  • My User: These are your consultants/coworkers that will have access to the portal. They will be able to schedule assessments, etc.
  • Company User: These are the user accounts that belong to the company (aka your client's user accounts). You can invite these users into the portal and they'll only have the ability to watch their assessments, view their company's trending vulnerabilities, and see reports that you release to them. They won't be able to schedule any assessments
  • Agent: An Agent is simply an internal virtual machine or physical device that vPenTest will connect to in order to perform a penetration test on-prem or in the cloud.
  • Schedules: A schedule is simply a schedule for your security assessment. You can create scheduled assessments to run assessments based on your preferred time and date preferences.

NOTE  If you are performing an internal security assessment, you will need to have an Agent deployed. Refer to IP Estimator prior to continuing with this process.